Target Wonderland – 2023
GOAL: To create a Target-led and strategic vendor supported experience that helps all guests find moments of optimism in their lives during the holidays.
EXECUTION: A mobile tour taking place over two days from November through mid-December 2023 that travels to 3 markets (NY, Dallas, LA) during the holiday season.
MOOD: Inspired by the modern, fresh and geometric aesthetic of the Target SEM creative, we established consistency with these festive colors and vibrant patterns. Remaining true to the whimsical Target twist, we embraced a bold and playful approach, mixing a crisp, modern sense of family joy with a celebratory color palette. The result will be a striking, memorable and unmistakably Target experience that compliments the SEM work.
GUEST JOURNEY: Guests will create their own journey through holiday themed zones with a focus on transportation and have countless exciting memories and souvenirs to share. We captured the essence of holiday travel, weaving it into unexpected experiences—from planes, to trains, and automobiles, that go a little off the rails this holiday season so everyone can explore how Target delivers holiday joy!
ROLE: In this project I was tasked by Wasserman to help develop the overall look and feel of all the 3D elements as well as the layout used in each of the locations (NY, Dallas and LA). I partnered with Keirstin Fernandes to create and/or modify each 3D model, texture, position and render each element according to direction and guidance from the CD, Jason Fisher and Keirstin.
Preliminary Design Round 1
Preliminary Design Round 2
Final overall design
Target Wonderland – NY activation
NY plan view – Pier 16 & Pier 17
NY Activation Photos from Nov 2023
Target Wonderland – Dallas Activation
Target Wonderland Dallas plan view
Dallas Activation Photos
Target Wonderland – LA activation
Target Wonderland LA 2023 plan view
Activation Photos from December 16th 2023